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Term Dates 2024/2025

Michaelmas Term

INSET: Thursday 29 August to Friday 30 August

Term begins: Monday 2 September

Half term: Monday 21st October to Friday 1st November

Term ends: Friday 20 December

Lent Term

INSET: Monday 6 January

Term begins: Tuesday 7 January

Half term: Monday 24th February to Friday 28 February

Term ends: Tuesday 15 April

Summer Term

INSET: Monday 28 April

Term begins: Tuesday 29 April

School closed (bank holiday): Monday 5 May

INSET: Tuesday 6 May

Liberation day: Saturday 10th May

Half term: Monday 26 May to Friday 30 May

Term ends: Tuesday 22 July

Term Dates 2025/2026

Michaelmas Term


INSET: Monday 1st September and Tuesday 2nd September

Term begins: Wednesday 3rd September

Half term: Monday 20th October to Friday 31st October

Term ends: Friday 19th December

Lent Term

INSET: Monday 5th January

Term begins: Tuesday 6th January

Half term: Monday 16th February to Friday 20th February

Term ends: Friday 27th March

Summer Term

INSET: Wednesday 8th April and Thursday 9th April

Term begins: Friday 10th April

School closed (bank holiday): Monday 4th May

Liberation day: Sunday 10th May

Half term: Monday 25th May to Friday 29th May

Term ends: Wednesday 22nd July

The School Day

Despite there being slight differences between the day-to-day operations in each class, the general structure of a typical day at Sark School looks like this. 


  • The school gates open at 8:15am - The children get themselves ready for the day by putting bags and coats in their lockers before playing in the playground until the bell rings at 8:30am.

  • Children then make their way to class for registration and complete morning activities

  • At 8:45am, the children make their way to assembly where, depending on the day of the week, they may share work completed in class over the previous week, learn to sing as a group, listen to a story with a specific theme or enjoy a visit from Rev. David Stolton, the Island’s minister.

  • After this, the children return to classrooms for English and maths lessons.

  • at 10:30am the whole school goes onto the playing field to complete the Daily Mile after this the children have a short break until 11:00am when they have a snack and a drink and, depending on weather, enjoy the run of the field directly outside of the school.

  • At 11:00am the children return to class and continue with lessons - usually topic based lessons such as science, history or geography.

  • Lunch time is between 12:00am and 12:45pm. The children bring in a packed lunch, eat either inside or outside depending on the weather and then have some free time to play on the field or the playground. 

  • Directly after lunch (until 1:15pm) is guided-reading time. Children get into groups and explore different texts under the guidance of their teachers.

  • Between 1:15pm and 2:15pm the children continue with topic based lessons.

  • After this, the children have a quick break in which to get ready for enrichment activities and to stretch their legs.

  • Enrichment runs between 2:30pm and 4:30pm, after which time the children go home.



School Forms

Calendar Pages

Calendar Dates - 2024-2025

Monday 6th January-
Tuesday 7th January-

                          Term Begins
Saturday 25th January-
                        2pm School Jumble Sale
Monday 10th February- 
                         8:30-10am Open Morning
Monday 24th February- Friday 28th February
                          Half Term Break
Thursday 27th March-
                         Parents Evening
Tuesday 15th April-
                           Term ends midday
Monday 28th April-
Tuesday 29th April-
                        Term begins for pupils



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